To become a member of the SCLU you must be inducted by vote of the active members present at one of our monthly meetings after being introduced by a sponsoring member AND attending a few club meetings and activities. Last but not least, you must pay your annual membership dues. Not sure about membership...shoot us an email about how to get involved. Please note: sponsors must be active members in the club for at least a year.
For more information about club activities, contact
We meet the first Wednesday of each month, getting together for food and drink at 6:30pm and starting the meeting at 7:00. We are currently meeting at El Palomar Restaurant on Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, but the meeting venue can change month to month, so check your email from SCLU. If you are a member or prospective member you will receive email messages from the club. Guests and prospective members are welcome—check with any active member for the details on where we’ll be.

SCLU Supports Our Community
Below are the current organizations we donate to: